Sunday, December 20, 2009

A car full of circus clowns!

In November, I visited Emily again and FINALLY got around to the second part of her photo layout. Honestly, I never get tired of taking pictures of her; she is so unique! As usual, wherever we went to take pictures, other people were taking pictures of us. By the time I’m done with her, she’s going to be famous around SF.

So… The last time I shot Emily (as Buttons the raver) the photos were crazy, colorful and fun, but this time the flavor was definitely more low-key and serious. We mixed things up with a combination of street clothes and costumes, and revisited Hippy Hill as well as digging up a couple new locations. I even put Emily behind bars at one point!! For her own good, of course.

Shooting Emily is like packing your car full of circus clowns; open the door and watch all the different personalities come rushing out. She can be anything I need her to be, and do it in style. Honestly, the photos I take don’t really do her justice. As much as I like them, they only capture the visual aspect of Miss Emily and omit her contagious laugh and the way she capers down the street. I want to be like her when I grow up!

To see the rest of the photos click here.

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